I think it's time for an update on how my formerly-shampoo'ed hair is doing. The answer is spectacularly!! As you can see by my ticker, it's been one month, one week, and one day since shampoo touched my head and I am never (what never? no never. what never? well, hardly ever!*) going to shampoo again.
This was a couple weeks ago, but here is what we call
super curly, thanks to Kate's tips for how to dry curly hair. It involves not combing the hair after getting out of the shower and not towel-drying it too much. I had to use my dryer with the diffuser because I just don't have time to fully air-dry. But I was surprised how much curlier it got. And look how short it looks!

Then we have the wavy look, below (different day; same backdrop; different white shirt, in case you were confused). No curling iron of any kind needed- this is my hair's natural wave, helped only by a little product and by pinning up the top half of my hair while it's still a tiny bit damp, blow-drying the bottom half with a boar-bristle round brush. My hair would never have this much body and wave when it was slicked down with cones and flattened by sulfates.

* Ten points to whoever gets the reference.
Without google cheating! (and twenty extra points if you sing it to me next time you see me)