That is how my favorite BYU religion professor, Brother Parker, defined "Meekness". I've always remembered that.
I get quotes from talks or articles by LDS leaders in my email every day, and this was today's. I just wanted to share. It's about meekness.
"Meekness will permit us to endure more graciously the cruel caricaturing and misrepresentation that accompanies discipleship—especially in the rugged last days of this dispensation. Remember the fingers of scorn in Lehi's vision which pointed and mocked at those who clung to the iron rod? (See 1 Ne. 8:26–33.) The mockers were not a small minority. And they were persistent and preoccupied in their scorn of the Saints. You will come to see that preoccupation."Meekness permits us to be prompted as to whether to speak out or, as Jesus once did, be silent. But even when the meek speak up, they do so without speaking down."I stress again that meekness does not mean we are bereft of boldness. A meek, imprisoned Joseph Smith displayed remarkable boldness in rebuking the grossness of the guards in Richmond jail:" 'Silence, ye fiends of the infernal pit! In the name of Jesus Christ I rebuke you, and command you to be still; I will not live another minute and hear such language. Cease such talk, or you or I die this instant!' (History of the Church, 3:208.)"Isn't it interesting that, in a world wrongly impressed with machismo, we see more and more coarseness which is mistaken for manliness, more and more selfishness masquerading as individuality?"
Neal A. Maxwell, "Meekness—A Dimension of True Discipleship," Ensign, Mar. 1983, 73–74
3 days ago
How did you know I needed THIS today! Thanks!