I got back from Utah on Thursday. I was listening to the radio and heard, as I was driving down my street, that Michael Jackson died. Sadness. I still wasn't feeling well but figured I'd rest all Thursday evening and then hopefully would start feeling better the next day and could get back to normal.
I was surprised to find I actually felt worse, not better on Friday. This lovely scene at the side of my bed pretty much sums up my day:
I was given these tablets a few months ago (the last time I was sick-- what's up with my immune system lately?) that are like Airborne on steroids. These things fizz like nothing else! The writing on the container is mostly in German but I'm pretty sure it's just a power dose of Vitamin C and zinc. I was really wishing I had this stuff when I first started feeling sick but I was about 700 miles away from it. Bummer. I've been drinking it like crazy since I got back but that was probably a little too late.
While this was all going on, we were all hoping for a miracle in Texas. This potential miracle had a lot of forces working against it, and I'm sad to say those forces won out. No miracle. Huge disappointment. Sadness.
In my mail yesterday, I got a newsletter from the BYU College of Health and Human Performance. I read that Dr. Keith Karren was retiring. Dr. Karren, who's undying optimism for life and never-ending perkiness I have not forgotten from my days as a Health Science major at BYU.... His big thing was the mind-body connection. He taught of the power of the mind to influence the health of the body.
Building off of what I learned from Dr. Karren, I have to believe that the reason I'm not getting any better is because I'm pretty much surrounded by sadness right now. And it isn't just the things I've written about here, it seems that amongst my friends there have been a never-ending string of disappointments and tragedies. Whenever we think the streak is being broken, we're disappointed once again. Tears, tears, and more tears. I've been putting too many names of people I love on the temple prayer roll recently. Too many.
So when I read this tag line on the new "Mormon Message" on Facebook, it seemed completely appropriate: "No matter how dark our Friday, Sunday will come." I watched the video and found comfort. Hope. Between laying around being sick all day and one huge disappointment, yesterday truly was a dark Friday. But thank you Elder Worthlin for reminding us that Sunday will come....
Maybe soon I can start to feel better.
Never Say Never
1 week ago