She does a pretty good job of explaining it so I won't re-invent the wheel. Plus, a simple Google search will give you plenty to read on no-pooing! Don't worry folks, I'm not forming dreads. The idea is that my hair will be more healthy and beautiful, not gross. Though I will admit the whole idea of foregoing shampooing altogether sounds pretty gross at first.
I went to the store tonight and got the supplies I will need to begin this little adventure. I haven't bought Suave hair stuff in ages. But this is on the approved (cone-free) list! Most of my products, however, are not cone-free. A.k.a. naughty. I guess technically the day after tomorrow will be my first poo-free day because I'll have to shampoo one last time to get rid of the yucky cones currently on my hair. Then the fun begins. We'll just take this one day at a time, ok?
These guys are riding the bench for a while. I'll have to admit I cried a little when I realized I had to set aside my S Factor moisture serum! I love that stuff and it is NOT cheap. But let's face it, I'm not crunchy enough to go no-poo forever. I fully expect to be bringing it back out before too long.
But how long is the question...... we'll just have to see, won't we?
Yay! You can do it! Did you ever find out if it strips out color, though? :S