Sunday, September 13, 2009

Marshmallow Fondant

I'm going totally out of order because I had mentioned I would blog about my adventures in making marshmallow fondant (MMF) . . . I don't want to disappoint, as I know you have all been on pins and needles waiting to hear about it.

I was watching too many episodes of Cake Boss and suddenly got the urge to try it.  So I used an online tutorial (which I'll have to search for whenever I want to make it again- my bookmarks on my poor laptop are unable to be reached, but that's another story)   And here it is, being created:

Of course I used my heart-shaped cake pan.  First I frosted the cake with a coconut buttercream frosting.

Then I rolled out the plain white MMF and draped it over the cake.  It's kind of like playing with play dough. :)

Then I colored some MMF blue and did my very best bow. . .  this took several tries and is a lot harder than I envisioned it being. This was the best I could do.  It was so late by the time I got to this step, I was just ready to be done.  Next time hopefully I'll give myself more time to work on it.

I took the cake into work with me which was random because it wasn't anyone's birthday. It was just an experimental cake but I had to do something with it. . . so my dear co-workers benefitted from my random urge to try making MMF.  I believe the verdict was it tasted pretty good (I don't recommend eating regular fondant).  Now I know I can do it!


  1. Good job Katie! Your cake totally looks like a Tiffany's heart with a Tiffany's bow on it. Did you do that on purpose? Very elegant and classy!

  2. That looks good! I'm glad you didn't bring it to my work. I would've eaten it all.
